Happy New Year! I have had way too much chocolate this Christmas, and not the good for you dark chocolate but my favourite English milk chocolate, Galaxy - love the stuff and, unfortunately, Paleo Grandad likes to be my supplier. I know, I could just say "No!" but, come on, it's Galaxy chocolate.
To counteract the effects of too much sugar, today is the start of the New Year and time to get back on track. As much as I like chocolate, my digestion is out of wack again. It takes a while to get everything straightened out and just a few days of too much sugar to feel the negative effects. To get back on track I need to have the right food choices in the house and a re-read of
It Starts with Food to remind me what I want to do. To get the right foods in the house a good place to start is Costco.

If you are ready to brave the crowds at Costco at any given time, there are quite a few Paleo items to be had that will save you some money. Apparently, US Costco's have even more Paleo items, if you are ready to take on the long lines at the border
and the crowds at the store.